Monday, December 5, 2011

Free Education

So I found one guy who is really doing it, giving away knowledge, free, no charge, for real. Khan Academy has 2,700 videos, exercises and its web site claims 89,100,179 lessons delivered. Are you worried, for-profit educators? You should be. And you million-dollar-a-year college presidents should be too. No doubt it is too soon to be sure about the best way to do this; I find that video presentations are too slow, text works better for me, who knows what works best for most, but this approach has already been proven to work. Interactive teaching is certainly a real application for AI and I believe software can teach better than any human teacher can, day in, day out. Educators should focus on updating the base of knowledge and its presentation, not on problem students, campus security and football games. Government should stop subsidizing brick and mortar colleges and start subsidizing non-profit online education research and development, with access for everyone. And don't forget the essential piece, testing and certification for anyone who acquires useful knowledge by any means. This must become the future, not a world where only the elite can acquire the knowledge needed to advance civilization.

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